AI Open days / Adastra

Advanced Analytics & AI Implementation

AI Open Days

Number of early adopters from various companies are utilizing AI to upgrade their businesses, provide better customer experience as well as decrease operational costs. We help organizations to overcome initial difficulties in the application of AI-powered solutions.

Our Services

We help organizations to map readiness of their business for AI-powered solutions and identify low-hanging fruit in a form of a prevalidated use cases.

We prepared a 1 day workshop where our AI experts hand in hand with your employees brainstorm tailored use cases of AI usage in the organization. The standard phases of the projects are as below:


AI ideas defined on a workshop for large car manufacturer in Central Europe


Preparation of the attendees and customization of workshop structure to your specific needs.


On-site delivery of AI Open day workshops.


Post-processing of the generated use cases and identification of top 3 use cases for realization in PoC mode.

The standard workshop outputs are:

  • Raised awareness of AI capabilities in the organization
  • Understanding of value added of AI to organization operations
  • Generateed ides for AI implementation in the organization
  • PoC proposal for selected high business value AI use cases