Safety Features Implementation / Adastra

Logistics Optimization

Safety Features Implementation

Development of new technologies such as IoT and Artificial Intelligence provide organizatons with additional tools to improve safety and security levels within the logistics. We provide off-the-shelf video analytics solutions that will help you to protect the heath and safety of your employees and visitors as well as protect your property.

Our Services

Our solution is designed to provide real time notification about ongoing safety or security incidents to the dedicated user based on video analytics and IoT sensors placed in the warehouses. 

Typical safety and security use cases in logicstics are:

Exclusion Zone Breaches Detection

Prevent safety incidents with video analytics alerting your ground staff when exclusion zone breach is detected.

Detection of Anomalous Behavior

Notify your security if people in a vicinity of your warehouse behave in different way than expected.

Detection of Hazardous Situations

Detecting objects and events which are causing hazards like fire or accidents.